ADENIUM arabicum 'Haraz' (5 s) ADENIUM arabicum 'Haraz' (5 s) 2
Auteur : Balf.f. Famille : Apocynacées Habitat :Yémen PAQUET DE  5 GRAINES (RÉCOLTE  2020) un des plus beaux Adenium développant des caudex énormes Graines produites à la pépinière provenant de pieds-mères issus de graines récoltées dans la région d'Haraz, au Yémen. 100% pures           ...
ADENIUM dhofarense (5 s) ADENIUM dhofarense (5 s) 2
SACHET DE 5 GRAINES 2023 Espèce décrite récemment, originaire d' Oman ATTENTION, les paiements par paypal génèrent des frais supplémentaires alors que via les autres moyens de paiement c'ets gratuit.
1PRODUIT à dupliquer (  s)
Author: Family: Habitat: PACK OF 5 SEEDS (HARVEST 2022) Imported seeds Our seeds are guaranteed collected the year of the sale. We give no guarantees about their germination or the purity of the seeds we buy.
1PRODUIT à dupliquer (  s)
Author: Family: Habitat: 1 PACK (HARVEST 2023) Imported seeds Our seeds are guaranteed collected the year of the sale. We give no guarantees about their germination or the purity of the seeds we buy.
1PRODUIT à dupliquer (  s)
Author: Family: Habitat: PACK OF 5 SEEDS (HARVEST 2023) Imported seeds Our seeds are guaranteed collected the year of the sale. We give no guarantees about their germination or the purity of the seeds we buy.
1PRODUIT à dupliquer (  s)
Author: Family: Habitat: PACK OF 5 SEEDS (HARVEST 2024) Imported seeds Our seeds are guaranteed collected the year of the sale. We give no guarantees about their germination or the purity of the seeds we buy.
ALBUCA bruce-bayeri ALBUCA bruce-bayeri 2
HARVEST 01/23 FOREIGN CUSTOMERS, VERY IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ UNTIL THE END PACKAGE OF 5 SEEDS Seeds produced at the nursery Our seeds are guaranteed collected the year of the sale. We give no guarantees about their germination or the purity of the seeds we buy. WARNING, paypal payments charge extra, while other payment methods are...
1PRODUIT à dupliquer (  s)
Author: Family: Habitat: PACK OF 5 SEEDS (HARVEST 2022) Imported seeds Our seeds are guaranteed collected the year of the sale. We give no guarantees about their germination or the purity of the seeds we buy.
ALBUCA concordia (10 g) ALBUCA concordia (10 g) 2
Author: Baker 1903 Family: Hyacinthaceae Habitat: South Africa PACK OF 10 SEEDS (HARVEST 2023) Nice small bulbous plant with twisted leaves and yellow flowers Own production Our seeds are guaranteed collected the year of the sale. We give no guarantees about their germination or the purity of the seeds we buy.
ALBUCA delicula ALBUCA delicula 2
Author: J.C. Manning & Gildblatt 2009 Family: Hyacinthaceae Habitat: South Africa PACK OF 5 SEEDS (HARVEST 2023) Strange bulbous plant with 1 succulent and crisped leaf own production Our seeds are guaranteed collected the year of the sale. We give no guarantees about their germination or the purity of the seeds we buy.
ALBUCA glandulosa (5 s)
Author: Family: Hyacinthaceae Habitat: South Africa PACK OF 10 SEEDS (HARVEST 2023) Nice small bulbous plant with spiraled and glandular leaves and yellow flowers Own production Our seeds are guaranteed collected the year of the sale. We give no guarantees about their germination or the purity of the seeds we buy.
ALBUCA namaquensis (10 s) ALBUCA namaquensis (10 s) 2
HARVEST 04/21 PACK OF 10 SEEDS   Seeds from our culture Our seeds are guaranteed collected in the year of sale. We give no guarantee regarding their germination nor on the purity of the seeds we buy.
Author : Nicolaas Joseph von Jacquin (1786-1793?) Family: Hyacinthaceae Origin: SOUTH AFRICA   HARVEST 01/21   PACKAGE OF 10 SEEDS VERY RARE Seeds produced at the nursery Our seeds are guaranteed collected the year of the sale. We give no guarantees about their germination or the purity of the seeds we buy.
ORNITHOGALUM unifoliatum (5 g) ORNITHOGALUM unifoliatum (5 g) 2
HARVEST 2023 FOREIGN CUSTOMERS, VERY IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ UNTIL THE END PACKAGE OF 5 SEEDS VERY RARE Seeds produced at the nursery Our seeds are guaranteed collected the year of the sale. We give no guarantees about their germination or the purity of the seeds we buy.
ALLUAUDIOPSIS marniereana (10 s) ALLUAUDIOPSIS marniereana (10 s) 2
Author : Rauh Family : Didiereaceae Habitat : Madagascar One of the prettiest Didiereaceae, especially at the time of flowering when the plant is covered with a multitude of small red flowers. Thin but strongly thorny branches. Forms bushy shrubs of 1 to 3 meters PACK OF 10 SEEDS OUR PLANTS OUR ARE SENT WITH THE POT OR BARE ROOTS....
ALOE 'Brown Betty' (5 s)
PAQUET DE 5 GRAINES minimum Very beautifull hybrid Our own production Nos graines sont garanties avoir moins d'un an  ...
ALOE aff. prostrata (leaves very dark) (10 s)
Auteur : Famille : Aloacées Habitat : Madagascar Sachet de 10 GRAINES. Graines produites sur place en 2022 Nous ne donnons aucune garantie concernant leur germination ni sur la pureté des graines que nous achetons. ATTENTION, les paiements par paypal génèrent des frais supplémentaires alors que via les autres moyens de paiement c'est gratuit.
ALOE ankaranensis (5 g)
Auteur : Rauh & Mangelsdorff Famille : Aloacées Habitat : Madagascar   Sachet de 5 GRAINES. Graines importées. RARE Nous ne donnons aucune garantie concernant leur germination ni sur la pureté des graines que nous achetons. ATTENTION, les paiements par paypal génèrent des frais supplémentaires alors que via les autres...
ALOE suzannae (5 g)
Auteur : Famille : Aloacées Habitat : Madagascar (Saint Augustin)   Sachet de 5 GRAINES fraichement importées. Nous ne donnons aucune garantie concernant leur germination ni sur la pureté des graines que nous achetons.
ALOE boylei (5 s)
Author:  Family: Asphodelaceae Habitat: South Africa PACK OF 5 SEEDS (HARVEST 2020) Small herbaceous Aloe Own production Our seeds are guaranteed collected the year of the sale. We give no guarantees about their germination or the purity of the seeds we buy.
ALOE capitata 'Tsiroanomandidy' (10 s)
PACK OF 10 SEEDS (HARVEST 2021) Imported seeds Our seeds are guaranteed collected the year of the sale. We give no guarantees about their germination or the purity of the seeds we buy.
ALOE capitata 'Tsiroanomandidy' (10 s)
PACK OF 10 SEEDS (HARVEST 2022) Imported seeds Our seeds are guaranteed collected the year of the sale. We give no guarantees about their germination or the purity of the seeds we buy.
Showing 25-48 of 467 item(s)