LACHENALIA viridiflora
LACHENALIA viridiflora
LACHENALIA viridiflora
LACHENALIA viridiflora

LACHENALIA viridiflora

Author: W. F. Barker
Family: Hyacinthaceae
Habitat: South Africa
It is found on granite outcrops in the Southwest Cape. This species flowers relatively early in the season (May to July). Growing from 8 to 20 cm high, it has two lanceolate leaves and turquoise shortly pedicellate urn-shaped flowers with anthers included. Compared with other species the color is remarkably uniform over the entire flower with just the tips of both inner and outer segments being markedly darker.
2 years seedling in age of flowering

Exposure : bright and sunny
Temperature : a minimum of 0°c
Soil : not too rich and well drained
Summer resting

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