UNCARINA stellulifera (5 s)
copy of  UNCARINA stellulifera (5 s)
  • New
UNCARINA stellulifera (5 s)
copy of  UNCARINA stellulifera (5 s)

UNCARINA stellulifera

Subject imported from Madagascar 20 years ago but which has been kept small! It measures approximately 30/40 cm
Similar to the second pic
We give no guarantee regarding their germination nor on the purity of the seeds we buy.
WARNING, paypal payments generate additional charges while via other means of payment this is free.



Exposition : chaude et ensoleillée

Température : minimum 15°C en hiver, espèce frileuse (croissance estivale)

Sol : plutôt riche mais surtout bien drainé

Arrosages : parcimonieux, mais abondant pendant grosses chaleurs estivales