OBETIA ficifolia
OBETIA ficifolia

OBETIA ficifolia (10 g)

PACKAGE OF 10 GRAINES minimum - Tested 80%
Reunion tree nettle. Develops a nice caudex when grown the hard way.
Seeds collected on plant grown in France.
Our seeds are guaranteed collected the year of the sale.
We give no guarantees about their germination or the purity of the seeds we buy.
WARNING, paypal payments generate additional fees while through other means of payment it is free.

PACK OF 10 SEEDS minimum - Tested 80%
Nettle in Reunion Island. Develops a nice caudex when cultivated hard
Seeds collected from plants grown in France
Our seeds are guaranteed collected in the year of sale.
We give no guarantee regarding their germination nor on the purity of the seeds we buy.
WARNING, paypal payments generate additional charges while via other means of payment this is free.

Exposition : lumineuse et ensoleillée
Température : minimum de10°c (croissance estivale)
Sol : pas trop riche mais surtout bien drainé
Semer en terrine recouverte d'une plaque de verre. Maintenir le substrat légèrement humide et aérer régulièrement. Prévoir un traitement anti-fongique contre l'apparition de pourritures à la germination
Maintenir à 25°c avec un bon éclairage (ajouter une lumière artficielle au besoin)

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