OTHONNA cacalioides f. "pygmaea" (5 g)
OTHONNA cacalioides f. "pygmaea" (5 g)
OTHONNA cacalioides f. "pygmaea" (5 g)
OTHONNA cacalioides f. "pygmaea" (5 g)

OTHONNA cacalioides f. "pygmaea" (5 g)

Author: Linnaeus.f. 1782
Family: Asteraceae
Habitat: South Africa (Cape Province, Richterveld...)
Stunning South African Othonna looks like a brevicaule Pachypodium. VERY RARE! Even rarer shape with succulent leaves and smaller development
Fresh seeds (December 2022) produced in our nursery
We give no guarantees about their germination or the purity of the seeds we buy.
WARNING, paypal payments charge extra, while other payment methods are free.

Superb South African Othonna with Pachypodium brevicaule look. VERY RARE. Very small rarer form with succulent leaves and smaller plant
Fresh seeds produced in our nursery (December 2020)
We give no guarantee regarding their germination nor on the purity of the seeds we buy.
WARNING, paypa l payments generate additional cha rges while via other means of payment this is free.

Exposition : lumineuse et ensoleillée
Température : minimum 0°c (croissance hivernale)
Sol : pas trop riche mais surtout bien drainé
Semer à l'automne à température ambiante extérieure et en hors gel.
Nos graines sont fraichement récoltées et souvent testées, certaines espèces peuvent être de germination longue et difficile et même, parfois, peuvent germer après une année. Un taux de germination de 100 % est exceptionnel et n'est valable que pour quelques variétés

Exposure : bright and sunny.
Temperature : minimum of 0°c (winter growth)
Soil : not too rich but mainly well drained
Sow in autumn and keep above 0°c
our seeds are freshly harvested and often tested, for some species germination can be long and difficult and seeds can germinate after a year or more. A germination rate of 100% is exceptionnal and is only valid for a few varieties.

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