EUPHORBIA micracantha
EUPHORBIA micracantha
EUPHORBIA micracantha
EUPHORBIA micracantha (5 s)
EUPHORBIA micracantha
EUPHORBIA micracantha
EUPHORBIA micracantha
EUPHORBIA micracantha (5 s)

EUPHORBIA micracantha (5 s)

Author : Boiss.
Family : Euphorbiacées
Habitat : South Africa
Euphorbia micracantha a dwarf succulent perennial euphorbia with a long, fleshy rootstock (caudex) and a very short, thick primary shoot, at whose tip a wreath of 4 to 14 cm long leafless and spiny shoots emerge. The thorns are short, thin, and greatly flared. The cyathia are small, and the nectar glands are greenish yellow. E. micracantha is a bit like Euphorbia stellata, but distinguished by its 4-angled branches and more slender spines.
5 SEEDS 2022
Exposition : lumineuse et ensoleillée mais ATTENTION de ne pas exposer le caudex en plein soleil.
Température : minimum de 10°c (moyenne)(croissance estivale)
Sol : pas trop riche mais surtout bien drainé à base de pierre ponce (pumice) et de terreau du commerce ou que vous aurez confectionné.
repos hivernal

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