BULBINE lolita (4 s)
BULBINE lolita (4 s)
BULBINE lolita (4 s)
BULBINE lolita (4 s)
BULBINE lolita (4 s)
BULBINE lolita (4 s)

BULBINE lolita (6 s)

Author: S.A. Hammer
Family: Asphodelaceae
Habitat: South Africa
This species is native to the Knersvlakte region in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa. It is the smallest known monocotyledonous succulent, measuring no more than 15mm wide by 6mm tall. Recently discovered, it was unknown before 1999. It is also remarkable for its multicolored leaves as well as its sometimes spiral floral stems whose base is thin to thicken towards the top
Own production. Pack of 6 seeds
Our seeds are guaranteed collected the year of the sale.
We give no guarantees about their germination or the purity of the seeds we buy.

Exposition : lumineuse
Température : minimum de 0°c (croissance hivernale)
Sol : pas trop riche mais surtout bien drainé
repos estival avec chute des feuilles au printemps

8 Items

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