SARCOCAULON patersonii (5 s)
SARCOCAULON patersonii (5 s)
SARCOCAULON patersonii (5 s)
SARCOCAULON patersonii (5 s)

SARCOCAULON patersonii (5 s)

Author : L. Bolus
Family : Géraniacées
Habitat : South Africa
Monsonia patersonii, best known as Sarcocaulon patersonii, is a spiny, erect to spreading-ascending, succulent shrub or shrublet up to 0.5 m tall. It is perhaps the most remarkable of all the species of Sarcocaulon, itself an intriguing genus in the Geraniaceae. This species has wedge shaped leaves and the large flowers bloom in a variety of colours that can transform the landscape beautifully into a magnificent desert flower show. Colours range from dark pink to almost white. It was introduced in cultivation in Europe in1827. This plant has a thick, waxy bark to protect it from sand storms. This bark burns quite easily, albeit with a lot of smoke, giving rise to the common name of 'Bushman's
Pack of 5 seeds harvested july 2024 NAMIBIA. Luderitz

Exposition : lumineuse et ensoleillée mais ATTENTION de ne pas exposer le caudex en plein soleil.
Température : minimum de 0°c (moyenne)(croissance estivale)
Sol : pas trop riche mais surtout bien drainé à base de pierre ponce (pumice) et de terreau du commerce ou que vous aurez confectionné.
repos hivernal avec chute des feuilles à l'automne

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